Dezeen Magazine

Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Design+ at The University of Hong Kong

The Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Design+ course at The University of Hong Kong prepares students for careers in the arts with multi-disciplinary creative and entrepreneurial skills.

School: The University of Hong Kong
Course: Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Design+
Location: Hong Kong
Course dates: September 2024 to June 2028
Application deadline: 22 August 2024

The Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Design+ at the University of Hong Kong is aimed at nurturing highly effective, adaptive and creative graduates who can lead across multiple disciplinary subjects and who will become known globally for their distinctive qualities of creativity, analytical ability, critical thinking and innovative problem-solving.

Cutting across traditional disciplinary boundaries, the programme is structured around design thinking as a distinct foundational approach to interdisciplinary studies, innovation and enterprise.

This degree prepares students to be innovators and creative leaders, training students who want to capitalise on both entrepreneurial and creative abilities.

Combining insights, theory, research, methods and practices that embrace a combination of design thinking, functional design and process design, the academic focus provides students with a blend of thinking tools that will equip them for the challenges facing all sectors of society.

Applications to this course have now closed.

Top image: photo by Christie Chau

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