Dezeen Magazine

BA Interior Design at Florence Institute of Design International

The BA Interior Design course at Florence Institute of Design International examines the principles of Italian design and how traditional processes can be used to address contemporary interior design challenges.

School: Florence Institute of Design International
Course: BA Interior Design
Location: Florence, Italy
Course dates: September 2025 to May 2028; or January 2026 to December 2028
Application deadline:
1 August 2025

This programme is founded upon the principles of Italian design and context with an emphasis on integrating traditional knowledge of craft and manual skills alongside contemporary design approaches.

The programme explores how Italy's artistic traditions, technological advancements and deep manual expertise can be utilised to address contemporary interior design challenges.

Throughout this programme, you will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the theoretical foundations and core design principles and processes that serve as the foundation of Italian design movements.

Through challenging and stimulating coursework, you will learn to combine design principles with contemporary practice methodologies to create sustainable and innovative solutions for complex spatial challenges.

You will be presented with the opportunity to engage in demanding assignments that encompass
a wide range of areas, including hospitality design, wellness spaces, workplace environments and commercial design.

You will gain a deep insight into Italy's design culture that can inform and influence your own design practice.

You will critically examine of the theoretical foundations and design concepts that underpin Italy's design past and examine its influence of international and European design movements, especially in the field of interior and furniture design.

Find out more about the course and apply ›

Top image by Shay Shaul.

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